David's first blog

Hurray! I've just compeleted the final activity centre for the Habitat chapter. Nearly ready to launch on an unsuspecting world although I am still hoping for some more feedback from crtical friends.

Well done, David. This is an wonderful guide - you are a 'twitcher extraordinaire'!

Submitted by: marklauder
Wed, 17/02/2021 - 11:22

We're now living on island of Koh Chang away from the covid epidemic in Bangkok.  The island is mountainous with a densely forested interior. Lots of wildlife and you hear plenty of birds but they are difficult to spot. 

Yesteday, we went for a 10km hike near Selaphet, much of it along a disintegrating rubber plantation road.  We managed to photograph this usually elusivel white-rumped shama, a beautiful bird with one of the most melodic songs inthe forest.

White-rumped shama


Submitted by: davidcox
Sat, 05/06/2021 - 09:40