Tufted Duck

Goodrington Park, Torbay, UK
Although a permanent resident in many areas, the tufted duckĀ migrates from many parts of its Eurasian range in autumn to milder southern and western Europe.
Photographed on a snowy day in January, the tufted duck is a common permanent resident to many freshwater habitats in UK. As well as fresh water habitats, they also frequent coastal lagoons, shorelines and estuaries
The tufted duck is a diving duck (rather than a dabbling duck) preferring to spend most of its time in water. Included in their diet are snails ,insects, crayfish and crustaceans, but they are omnivores and will also eat aquatic plants and seeds.
Tufted ducks build their nests amongst dense vegetation close to marshes and lakes. The female lays seven to twelve pale brown or greenish eggs which are incubated by the female. Chicks are precocial and will begin foraging within 48 hours of birth. Both parents look after the chicks which fledge after 50 days.