Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle Central Kruger, South Africa
Audio file

Southern Kruger, South Africa

The tawny eagle is a resident raptor in semi-desert in Namibia and Botswana, arid savannah and grassland in South Africa, and Miombo woodlands in Zimbabwe. Although prefering arid areas, it is usually found where there are some trees which it uses for nesting.


The tawny eagle is both an aggessive predator and a carrion eater. It is also a kleptoparasite (steals other animals' prey).


 It is a resident breeder which builds a nest of sticks at the top of a tree and lays between one and three eggs.

Wildfile Extra
  • Tawny Eagles  absorb energy from the surrounding heated air (endothermic).
  • Tawny Eagles are homoiothermic retain a constant and relatively high body temperature (homoiothermic).
  • Sadly, there has been a rapid decline in numbers throughout its range caused by habitat loss, persecution and other human incursion. It is at risk of instinction and classifed as vulnerable by the IUCN.