Rufous-collared sparrow

Machu Picchu, Peru
Typically found at altitudes of 600–4,000 m (2,000–13,100 ft) in the tropics and subtropics but is also commonly found down to near sea level. It can be seen in most open or semi-open habitat, including cultivation, gardens, parks, grassland and scrubby second growth.
A ground feeder, the rufous-collared sparrow eats seeds, grains, spiders and insects. It is common throughout its large range across North West South America.
The open cup nest is constructed in ground vegetation or in low trees and bushes and is made of plant material and lined with finer grass. Eggs are pale greenish-blue with reddish-brown blotches and usually two or three in number. After around two weeks of incubation by the female the altricial chicks hatch and stay in the nest for a further two weeks with both adults taking responsibility for feeding.
Wildfile Extra
- The bird in the photograph is an Inca sparrow: it is at home in the ruins of Machu Picchu at an altitude of 2430 metres.