Northern Black Khoraan

Etosha, Namibia
The northern black korhaan, a common member of the bustard family, is found in grassland, veldt and semi-arid scrubland in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, and Namibia.
Khoraans prefer to walk rather than fly and forage for insects and spiders and will also eat seeds.
They breed at any time of the year. The male displays for several females and is highly territorial driving away other males. The nest is a ground scrape and the female lays one or two eggs. Chicks are precocial and leave the nest almost immediately to avoid predators.
Wildfile Extras
- They would be more difficult to find if they were less noisy, but the males are easy to spot because they have a very loud, raucous "krark, krark" alarm call which draws attention to an otherwise well hidden bird.
- Females, on the other hand, are a mottled brown and rarely seen.