Marine environments are diverse ranging from sandy beaches to salt marshes and lagoons and from rocky coastlines to coastal cliffs. Some specialists prefer just one of these habitats while others range between several and some are as likely to be found inland as by the coast, often related to migratory routes and winter and summer locations. Human encroachment on coastal habitats and pollution of formerly pristine environments threaten many marine species.

Pacific Reef Heron
The pacific reef heron is a successful species with a wide range across Southern Asia and Oceania as far as New Zealand. It as much at home on a beach as on a rocky coastline. I photograhed this pacific reef heron receiving an unexpected shower on Koh Samet, Thailand.
It is an expert fisherman and also forages for crustaceans and molluscs.
Like other members of the heron family, their substantial nests of branches and blossoms are found in colonies well above ground in palm trees or mangroves, in niches in deserted buildings and even in forest trees further inland. They lay two to three greenish-blue eggs and both males and female share "brooding"(sitting on the eggs) and chick rearing.