Eurasian Reed Warbler

Audio file
Somerset Levels, UK
A common Summer visitor to temperate regions in Europe and Asia, this migrant winters in sub-Saharan Africa. It is more often heard rather than seen.
The reed warbler is found almost exclusively in reed beds often with scattered bushes.
Reed warblers are insectivores but will also take small vertebrates.
The reed warbler parents weaves a cupped nest anchored to several reeds. Both parents also incubate the eggs and raise the chicks.
Wildfile Specials
- Male reed warblers have long songs to attract mates and short ones to repel rivals and intruders.
- Reed Warblers often have two broods in a season and will use material from the first nest to construct a second.
- The reed warbler is a frequent victim of brood parasitism by the Eurasian cuckoo.