6. Activity Centre

Quick Quiz

What Do You Know About Speciation?

Here is another opportunity to go hands on with a range of activities that will check what you know and give you opportunities to look further into the lives of birds. This is a more academic and challenging chapter and the tasks are more difficult.

2. Why can't a grey heron and a purple heron mate (Section 1)?

3. What is an ecological niche?  How do flamingoes occupy an ecological niche (Section 1)?

4. With reference to herons, what is the difference between a family and a species (Section 1)?

5. What is a taxonomy (Section 1)?

6.  Why is the archaeopteryx important evidence of evolution (Section 2)?

7. How do dogs help us to understand natural selection (Section 2)?

8. What special skill has the pied kingfisher evolved? Why does it give it an advantage over other kingfishers (Section 3)?

9. What is bio-diversity and why is it associated with the tropics and sub-tropics (Section 3)?

10. How do birds navigate when migrating (Section 4)?

11. What skill set enables a bird's "mastery of the skies" (Section 4)?

12. What is the difference between bird song and a bird call (Section 4)?

A bit harder

13. What is a hybrid?  Why does a hybrid create problems when trying to explain what a species is (Section 1)?

14. What is the connection between DNA, gene mutation and natural selection (Section 2)?

15. What is a gene pool and why is it important (Section 2)?

16. What is the difference between allopatric and sympatric speciation (Section 3)?

17. What are the three genera of kingfishers? How do they differ (Section 3)?

18. What is the difference between obligate and facultative migration (Section 4)?

19. Give examples of how each of the following demonstrates intelligence (Section 5):

a) green heron         b) grey parrot           c) carrion crow


20.  Prepare a presentation explaining, with examples, how natural selection works.

21. Write an essay explaining the importance of mutation in evolution, natural selection and speciation.

22. Evolutionary biologists believe life on Earth began between three and a half and four billion years ago. Creationists and those who argue for intelligent design believe it was as little as 6000 years ago. Compare and contrast these two opposing views of life on Earth and present your personal conclusions. The video below will help you to understand the case for intelligent design.


Prepare an essay or an oral presentation. Alternatively, you could hold a debate with one or two people on each side. Remember you learn a lot by presenting an argument with which you don’t agree.

Helpful Sites








Try thewildfile site: Bird Watching and Habitat chapters.


The Bible - Genesis

Richard Dawkins:

The Greatest Show on Earth - The Case for Evolution

The Blind Watchmaker

The Selfish Gene

Charles Darwin

On the Evolution of the Species

Donald Prothero

Evoluton:What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters

Kenneth R. Miller

Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul

 For those wanting a relatively brief but persuasive analysis of the case I suggest the following:


Note also the video accompanying the final question (21).